Disciples' Network

Think Act, Be Like Jesus.

Discipleship Training: Answering the Call of the Great Commission

Following Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:19-20, there were special training sessions on June for believers in Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Mbeya, Morogoro, Dodoma and Bagamoyo. Discipleship trainings were held to equip believers with the tools and understanding necessary to fulllfill the Great Commission, the role of Holy Spirit and how to disciple those who were reached.

Participants were reminded that their calling goes beyond attending church services and worshiping God each Sunday. They are also called to share the message of Jesus Christ. This mission isn’t just for church leaders but for every believer. The church’s main focus should be on reaching out and bringing people to Christ.

Disciples' NetworkMathew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and I am with you always [remaining with you perpetually—regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion], even to the end of the age.”

This scripture tells us to share the message of Jesus, baptize new believers, and teach them about Him so that they should go and do the same to others.

Across these five regions where trainings were conducted, 230 individuals responded eagerly to the call to deepen their understanding of evangelism and discipleship. The training sessions were designed to impart practical knowledge and strategic insights on effective evangelism. Participants were told to care before sharing and then build them to foster spiritual maturity.

Disciples' NetworkCare: Participants were told the importance of caring others and develop relationships rooted in love as Jesus Christ who cared deeply for the people he encountered.

Share: Following caring, participants learned on how to share their faith in a respectful and engaging manner without condemning and being judgemental.

Build: Attendees were equipped with practical tools to disciple others and foster spiritual maturity

Integral to the training was also a profound teaching of the role of the HolyDisciples' Network Spirit in fulfilling the great commission. Participants learned advantages of being filled with the Holy spirit, not to quench the Holy Spirit, how to work with Holy Spirit through his gifts of the word of wisdom, knowledge and discerning of the Spirit.

During the trainings, participants went out into the streets to practice sharing the message of Jesus. They went door-to-door and spoke to people on the streets. They also learned how to pray for the sick and those in need.

Disciples' NetworkWe are grateful for the testimonies from participants who reported receiving new insights and wisdom. They also gained confidence in carrying out the Great Commission.

The Great Commission is all about spreading the message of Jesus Christ. To do this well participant were told they need the help of Holy Spirit and his gifts. When believers work together with the Holy Spirit, they can better handle the challenges of ministry, walk in miracles, signs, wonders and see how the message of Jesus changes hearts and lives around them.

Are you passionate about reaching others and make them disciples of Jesus Christ? Please be attentive to the continuation of our fellowship updates. Follow our social media platforms so that you can be informed about our discipleship trainings.

Please call this number (0765 023 668) for more information.